Besides hydroxyl end groups, other functional groups were detected in small quantities in the low molecular weight products: aldehydes, ketones, acids, hydroperoxides, and epoxides. These functions result from secondary reactions such as transfer, initiation, or termination reactions with alcohol ...
Razermera FalySoutif Jean‐ClaudeDie Makromolekulare ChemieJ. C. Soutif, S. L. Ouchatar, D. Courret and J.-C. Brosse, Polymeres Porteurs De Derives Du Glycerol, 5. Derives de la progesterone, Makromol. Chem., 187, 561 (1986)....
This model taking into account of all HFER zeolite characteristics, in particular of it shape selectivity for isobutene formation.Guía de Fuentes de Información para la OsteoporosisBibliogr
[formula omitted]rational splines over a triangulationA. Le Méhauté
suggests that there are three main fragmentation types in the electron induced cracking pattern of the above mentioned molecules: 1) Elimination of a methyl radical from the bridge; 2) Loss of two hydrogen atoms from the bridge, followed by the bridge carbon atoms themselves as acetylen; 3) ...
These effects are discussed in terms of accessibility of the activating group and compatibility of the support with the medium.Hamaide TMariaggi NFoureys J. LLe Perchec PGuyot AJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.Journal of Polymer Science Polymer Chemistry Edition...