This game is a bit like a deconstructed crossword: you get bits of the puzzle and you drag them together to form words that will all match with the clue. If you’re a fan of crosswords and want something a bit different, you might just love it. It’s a great way to think hard a...
经始:原指开始测量营建,后泛指开创事业。指开基立国的重大事业。 典故出处 《乐府诗集·宣皇帝登歌》:"经始大业,造创帝基。畏天之命,于时保之。" 成语语法 【语法】:作主语、宾语、定语;用于书面语 成语形式 abcd形式的成语 成语近义词 成语反义词 ...
the series featured a never ending source of wacky troupes including an evil baby, Nazis, Rosicrucians guarding a doomsday device, twelve apostles each with a clock holding a clue leading to the device, a woman kidnapped from her clock shop, and her husband who finds...