HTTP 400 Bad Request错误是一个客户端错误响应状态码,表示由于明显的客户端错误(如请求格式错误、请求参数缺失或错误等),服务器无法理解客户端的请求。这通常意味着客户端发送给服务器的请求存在问题,导致服务器无法处理。 2. 缺失Host头部导致的问题 在HTTP/1.1协议中,Host头部是必需的。它指定了请求所指向的服务...
In this scenario, HTTP requests were being sent from a non-Windows machine and were being responded to with a “Bad Request – Invalid Hostname” error by the IIS server. Beginning in IIS 6.0, “Bad Request” errors are almost always returned by HTTP.sys, so the nex...
Whenever I attempt to access http://<server>/Reports, it comes back at me with an HTTP 400: Bad Request error.The http://<server>/ReportServer works fine. The error only occ...
“400 Bad Request. Request Header Or Cookie Too Large” “Bad Request – Error 400” Regardless of how it’s phrased, the message indicates the same issue: the server can’t process the request because of a client-side error. The 400 Bad Request error can be very frustrating, as it blo...
Request” error means the server cannot process the request due to client-side issues. A “404 Not Found” error, on the other hand, indicates that the server cannot find the requested resource. In short, a 400 error is about a bad request, while a 404 error is about a missing ...
400 是 HTTP 的状态码,主要有两种形式: 1、bad request 意思是 “错误的请求”; 2、invalid hostname 意思是 “不存在的域名”。 在ajax请求后台数据时有时会报 HTTP 400 错误 – 请求无效 (Bad request);出现这个请求无效报错说明请求没有进入到后台服务里 ...
for each tested host, information about the scan itself :\n\n - The version of the plugin set\n - The type of plugin feed (HomeFeed or ProfessionalFeed)\n - The version of the Nessus Engine\n - The port scanner(s) used\n - The port range scanned\n - Whether credentialed or thir...
HTTP: Response to Client; HTTP/1.1; Status Code = 400 - Bad Request HTTP: Protocol Version =HTTP/1.1 HTTP: Status Code = Bad Request HTTP: Reason =Bad Request HTTP: Content-Type =text/html HTTP: Date =Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:36:36 GMT HTTP: Connection =close...
Different types of 400 Bad Request Errors 402 Payment Required The HTTP 402 Payment Required is a nonstandard response status code that has not been assigned to any specific meaning yet. It was created to enable digital cash or (micro) payment systems and would be shown if the client tries ...