都道府: 埼玉県 City: AGEO SHI 市区町村: 上尾市 Town: UENO 町域: 上野 Postcode 3: 362 Postcode: 362-0058 Envelope Example This is an example of Japanese envelope, including the front and back of the envelope. For more explanation, please read the official document:JPN.pdf. (English) ...
SAITAMA KEN 都道府: 埼玉県 City: AGEO SHI 市区町村: 上尾市 Town: HIRATSUKA 町域: 平塚 Postcode 3: 362 Postcode: 362-0011 Envelope Example This is an example of Japanese envelope, including the front and back of the envelope. For more explanation, please read the official document:JPN.pd...