新歌MV新鲜出炉Stuck 音乐 MV 30秒上火星 欧美音乐 少爷 MV STUCK 莱托 新单曲 30 Seconds To MarsTomaEchelon 发消息 一只专注30 Seconds To Mars莱托的投稿bot!
30秒火星30 Seconds To Mars回归新单STUCK预告,5月8日发行!@30SecondsToMars中国歌迷会
Jared Leto's bandThirty Seconds to Marswith his older brother, the drummer Shannon Leto,have returnedwith their first original song in five years, the electropop-leaning "Stuck," which, apart from a dollop of guitar, is assuredly not a rock song. Regardless, it's the first single from Th...