WorldUrbanizationProspects:The2011RevisionFile3:UrbanPopulationbyMajorArea,RegionandCountry,1950-2050(thousa POP/DB/WUP/Rev.2011/1/F3March2012-Copyright©2012byUnitedNations.Allrightsreserved Suggestedcitation:UnitedNations,DepartmentofEconomicandSocialAffairs,PopulationDivision(2012).WorldUrbanizationProspects Ind...
The precise impacts of climate change on the UAE's ecosystems and organisms are difficult to predict in detail (Paparella et al. 2019), as are its consequences for the human population, but are likely to include a decrease in water resources, fisheries resources and agricultural potential (due...
48 Finally, older adults are forecasted to be the demographic group that grows the most over the 21st century, with more than 25% of the world's population estimated to be older than 65 years by 2100.49 This could have a compounding effect on AMR—increasing the vulnerability to infection ...
Harmonized Society with Nature Environmental Data Introduction Management Social Innovation Environmental Social Governance Assurance Hitachi Sustainability Report 2023 026 Environmental Basic Concept Hitachi's Mission is to "contribute to society through the development of superior, original technology and ...
Population growth and climate change are likely to impact upon food and water availability over the coming decades. In this study we use an ensemble of climate simulations to project the implications of both these drivers on regional changes in food and
Irrigated land accounts for 19% of the global land under cultivation, but disproportionately supplies 40% of the world's food production [5]. Irrigation is often seen as a possible adaptation strategy for agriculture to climate change and population pressure [6]. However, regionally, freshwater ...