2023欧版丰田荣放RAV4 2.5 Hybrid PHEV 沉浸体验驾驶 - Toyota RAV4共计2条视频,包括:2023 Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid PHEV、广告等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
不过随着新能源时代的到来,RAV4荣放也与时俱进地追赶着时代潮流。4月27日,一汽丰田2023款RAV4荣放家族上市,指导价17.68万到29.68万元,涵盖燃油、混动、插混,共三种动力14款车型。因此,本次中期改款带来了哪些升级呢? 尽管开创了城市SUV的先河,但越野基因仍是刻在骨子里。因此,本次改款首次引入北美Adventure越野...
最佳燃油经济性:Toyota RAV4 Hybrid / Honda CR-V Hybrid 最佳保值率:Toyota RAV4 / Honda CR-V 最佳电动车:Tesla Model Y 最佳越野能力:Jeep Grand Cherokee / Subaru Outback 最佳驾驶操控:Mazda CX-5 最佳性价比:Chevrolet Equinox / Hyundai Tucson...
2023款一汽丰田RAV4荣放上市,售价区间17.68万—29.68万元。此次年度改款,新车主要新增了配备北美Adventure越野套件的四驱探险版车型可选,并且全系标配10.25英寸中控屏、Toyota Space智能座舱、Toyota Connect智能互联系统、T-Pilot智能驾驶辅助系统。虽然如今的紧凑型SUV市场,不仅有比亚迪宋Pro DM-i、宋PLUS DM-i等新能源...
Toyota added its TRD Off-Road trim to the RAV4 lineup in 2019, giving the brand's down-to-earth compact crossover a chance to get a little closer to said earth with a host of dirt-friendly upgrades. The TRD option hasn't been and remains unavailable on the hybrid version of the RAV...
Engineered to tackle urban, suburban and outdoor adventures, the fifth-generation RAV4 is built on Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA-K) platform. With a boldly chiseled design inspired by Toyota’s tough trucks, this latest RAV4 amplifies the desirable crossover traits that made the first ...
The 2023 Toyota RAV4 is a five-seat crossover SUV. Shop it against the Subaru Forester and the Nissan Rogue. Is the 2023 Toyota RAV4 a good SUV? It’s a deservedly popular choice that benefits from a huge range of configurations, decent infotainment, and lots of crash-avoidance tech. ...
The Toyota RAV4 almost single-handedly kickstarted Americans' love for small SUVs when it landed here in the mid-1990s. The compact SUV has evolved over the years with more space, power, safety, and tech, yet remains a practical, reliable vehicle choice.
While the 2023 Toyota RAV4 isn't the most entertaining SUV to drive, its practicality bolsters its value and makes it worthy of your consideration.