1 2050, the world's population 2 to rise to 9 billion from just over 7 billion currently. Proponents of genetically modified foods say they are safe and can boost harvests 3 in bad conditions by protecting against pests, weeds and drought. This, they argue, will be essential to meeting th...
正确选项1.Nicetomeetyou.(V) 8、—Howcouldyousaythat? —___Ididn’tmeantohurtyou. 正确选项1.I’mawfullysorry.(V) 9、-Howdoyoufindthingsoverhere? -___ 正确选项1.It’squitedifferentfromwhatIexpected.(V) 10、-IhavebeenwaitingforMr.Carpenterforthirtyminutes...
1、— Could you give me your phone number?—___2、— Could you recommend some famous buildings to visit in China?—___3、— Happy New Year to you!— ___4、— Hello, HR Department, Mandy speaking.— Good morning.___5、— I heard you had attended an activity for environmental prot...
ladies and gentlemen. Today we will visit an eco-industrial park. Well, before w省略...1、In the eco-industrial park, manufacturing and service businesses ___.2、It means
29、I arrived ___ Beijing ___ 10 o'clock ___ July 8.30、I can ___ him to you for the job, for he is a very good software engineer.31、I remembered ___ the problem before they asked me.32、I told the foreign guests that it was in the house ___ we used to live that th...
形考一 2023春形势与政策形考-0007 1. 坚持()的发展思想。不断实现发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享,让现代化建设成果更多更公平惠及全体人民。 以人民为中心 中国式现代化 高质量发展 文化强国 2. 我们必须把()摆在突出位置,“图之于未萌,虑之于
单选题(1分)1分(难易度:中) A.社会道德规范要求 B.法律的相关规定 C.党的法律规定 D.国家政策规章正确答案:B第4页共24页国家开放大学2023年春季学期《思想道德与法治》形考资料盗传必究盗传必究 12.我国宪法规定了公民遵守宪法和法律的义务,还规定了若干具体义务,如()。单选题(1分)1分(难易度:中) A....
大力宣传国家强农惠农政策,宣传种植结构调整和依靠科技促进农业提质增效好典型、好经验、好做法,引导农民搞好春播,加强春管。 篇2:2023春季开学工作方案 1.通过活动,展示学校良好形象,宣传一学期以来教育教学工作所取得的良好成绩。 2.加强家校交流,丰富家长的教育知识,引领和帮助家长学习优秀的家教经验。 3.充分调动...
1、According to the passage, ___ are the “enemy of focus”. 2、It was found that employees with ___ were more satisfied at work. 3、Many of us ___ pay much attention to our working environment. 4、Open offices could make you...
开放大学思政课 形势与政策 中国近现代史纲要 思想道德与法治 马克思主义基本原理概论 相关文章 国家开放大学2023年春《理工英语4》机考网考期末复习资料参考答案 国家开放大学2023年春《理工英语2》机考网考期末复习资料参考答案 国家开放大学2023年春《理工英语1》机考网考期末复习资料参考答案 国家开放大学2023年春《...