Wikipedia:Peer pressure is influence that a peer group, observers or individual exerts that encourages others to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform to group norms. 维基百科上说,同辈压力是一种影响力(influence),是一个组织或个人施加了,以鼓励他人改变自己的态度、价值观或者行为去,...
Vernon:弗农市,是佛蒙特州下面的一个市 ②As a condition of receiving state approval for the sale,the companyagreed toseek permissionfrom state regulators to operate past 2012.作为获得该州政府对该交易批准的一个条件:安特吉公司同意2012年后,对该核电站的继续经营需征求州监管人员(机构)的同意。 as部分是...
In Text 3 of the 2012 English Postgraduate Entrance Exam (Test Two), the author delves into the impact of digital technology on human memory and cognition. The passage explores how the ubiquity of digital devices has altered the traditional modes of information processing and retention. It raises...
④When nursery colours were introduced,pink was actually considered the more masculine colour,a pastel version of red,which was associated with strength.当引入儿童的颜色时,粉红色实际上,被认为是更加男性化的颜色,一种淡雅的红色,让人联想到力量。 when部分是时间状语从句 nursery n. 幼儿园;托儿所,婴儿室...
英语(二)2012 Text 1 第一段 ①Homework has never been terribly popular with students and even many parents, but in recent years it has been particularly scorned. ②School districts across the count…