根据拼音写出相应的词语。(1)那是雨,是使人jìng mì___、使人怀想、使人动情的秋雨啊!(2)pái huái___了一会子,窗外雷声作了,大雨接着就来,愈下愈大。(3)后来
However, it may be argued that the prognosis of patients with ARDS requiring prone position is so grave that investigation for underlying VTE may not alter the course. A potential option may be to consider echocardiography to assess for signs of potentially worsening right ventricular dysfunction ...
The global COVID-19 pandemic, which was caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has left an indelible mark, it poses a grave threat to both public health and daily routines, leading to a substantial surge in infections and fatalities on a global scale [1...
Dorward J, Khubone T, Gate K, Ngobese H, Sookrajh Y, Mkhize S, Jeewa A, Bottomley C, Lewis L, Baisley K, et al. The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on HIV care in 65 South African primary care clinics: an interrupted time series analysis. Lancet HIV. 2021;8(3):e158–65. ...
This case series describes clinical outcomes in 5 Chinese patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, ARDS, and high viral loads despite antiviral
Lynne Oncea; Bronagh O'Neill ; Rajalakshmi Orath Prabakaran; Chloe Orchard; Joanna O'Reilly; Neil Orford; Laura Oritz-Ruiz de Gordoa; Dave Ormrod; Katrina Orr; Lisa Orr; Rawlings Osagie; Alexander Osborne; Darlene Osborne; Roxanne Osmond; Alberto Ospina Stella; Kheng Ly Oueng; Natalie Out...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is currently one of the major health problems worldwide. SARS-CoV-2 survival and virulence are shown to be impacted by glycans, covalently attach
5. Prevention “Prevention is better than cure”, so, it is better to prevent COVID-19 by controlling its drastic spread rather than living with a hope of its precise treatment. However, like other respiratory infections (flu and the common cold), COVID-19 also required critical public heal...
cellular damage Sonali Nashine1, Pinchas Cohen2, Marilyn Chwa1, Stephanie Lu1,3, Anthony B Nesburn1,4, Baruch D Kuppermann1 and M Cristina Kenney*,1,5 Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) ranks third among the leading causes of visual impairment with a blindness prevalence rate of 8.7%....
During COVID-19 pandemic, a wide variety of stroke typologies have been described in patients affected by SARS-CoV-2. Investigating the case reports of acute stroke in COVID-19 patients, published since the beginning of the pandemic, we tried to trace the pathogenic mechanisms of stroke during...