完整错误信息:Process finished with exit code 137 (interrupted by signal 9: SIGKILL) 出现这个信息说明发生了内存不足的问题,在keras中,可以选择小的batch_size,不要把一整个大的文件一次性读到内存里。 如果是ubuntu系统,出现此问题的一个原因是cpu不够了,当运行的网络很复杂的时候,需要加载很大的权重,需要cp...
多方搜索,才知出现这个问题是因为内存使用过多导致。我刚开始设置batch_size为5 迭代了137次出现了以上错误信息。按照网上说法将batch_size改为2迭代了3百多次停止。后来干脆设置为1,才没能出现以上错误信息。很是奇怪,觉得batch_size为1或者为2差别不大,应该不是根本原因,而是误打误撞解决了 再行搜索,得知原因是...
Process finished with exit code 137 (interrupted by signal 9: SIGKILL) 在使用tensorflow自带的数据集做手写数字识别的时候,总是遇到这个错误,开始以为是模型错误,检查好久,最后发现是因为一次输入的训练数据太大了,内存耗尽。 解决方法:对一个很大的数据集,可以分批次进行训练,每次只用其中的一部分数据做训练。
退出代码 137 表示您的进程被(信号 9)SIGKILL 杀死 如果您手动停止了它 ,终端会输出`Process finished...
Process finished with exit code 137 (interrupted by signal 9: SIGKILL),内存使用过多导致内存不足,尝试改小batch_size
Describe the problem you faced In StreamWriteFunction#detect, when ObjectSizeCalculator#getObjectSize is executed and the process would exit with code 137 (interrupted by signal 9: SIGKILL). After debugging, I found that the process was ...
因为IDEA默认使用的JDK不是OpenJDK,所以只需将Project SDK替换为Open JDK即可
因为IDEA默认使用的JDK不是OpenJDK,所以只需将Project SDK替换为Open JDK即可
ERROR: Process finished with exit code 137 (interrupted by signal 9: SIGKILL) I think is due to running out of memory. Can someone tell me how to resolve exit code 137 ? importpandasaspdfromrapidfuzzimportprocess, fuzzfromitertoolsimportisliceimporttimefromdaskimportdataframeasdd ...
but I got 'Process finished with exit code 137 (interrupted by signal 9: SIGKILL)' error while the program is running around epoch=4 or 5. I did set imgsz 224 and batch 4 device=mps but it happens again. Also according to activity monitor the memory of python3.10 increases to 45GB ...