Re: #1146 - Table ... doesn't exist Posted by:Jonathan Sachs Date: June 29, 2011 07:43AM Here it is. For the sake of confidentiality, COMMENT fields have been removed and some column names have been obfuscated. CREATE TABLE courses (...
Re: Error 1146: Table 'table.1' doesn't exist Posted by:Stefan Dolapchiev Date: August 29, 2007 11:18PM Hi, Is there any solution for this problem? Subject Written By Posted Error 1146: Table 'table.1' doesn't exist Joseph R. ...
2. On test db - Error 1146: Table 'test.1' doesn't exist Does anyone know what causes this? Cheers Subject Written By Posted Error 1146: Table 'mysql.1' doesn't exist Luke Smith January 06, 2005 05:55PM Re: Error 1146: Table 'mysql.1' doesn't exist ...
All was fine, till today when we created a new table to the db. We added that table to a query in 1 of the scripts, and now the script dies say "table openaudit.hbss doesn't exit". The user has full select permissions on the db and nothing has changed, but the addition of the...
I got the message "#1146 - Table 'dbname.tablename' doesn't exist." I tried copying the CREATE TABLE statement at the beginning of the import file and executing it by itself. I got the same error. This doesn't make sense to me. If something is wrong with my request -- faulty perm...
Running queries to upgrade MySQL server. mysql_upgrade: [ERROR] 1146: Table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist. Some sys tables haven't been loaded.I don't understand. Thanks. Fei Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....
Re: #1146 - Table ... doesn't exist Posted by:Jonathan Sachs Date: June 29, 2011 11:18AM I figured it out. The database was corrupted. My clue was in the database status displayed by phpMyAdmin. There's a dropdown for selecting a database, and below it, the name of the ...
It's probably something stupid that I'm just overlooking but I've looked through all the options and stuff and I just don't see anything.Navigate: Previous Message• Next Message Options: Reply• Quote Subject Written By Posted Error 1146: Table 'table.1' doesn't exist Joseph R. ...
When I enter this query "select * from books", it gives me this error message: "Error 1146: Table "test.1" doesn't exist". What does that mean? This is MySQL 5.0 and I just installed today. How can I solve this problem?
Re: Error 1146: Table 'mysql.1' doesn't exist Posted by:Janardhan koduri Date: July 03, 2009 02:07AM I created a table called contentcategories. after that i deleted it. and when evr i want take the database back up it shows ...