MySQL解决查询语句1111 - Invalid use of group function错误 是因为mysql查询语句的字段当中有聚合函数,where条件中不能用聚合函数的计算值作为查询条件,否则会出现:> 1111 - Invalid use of group function 错误。 可以使用having解决。 补充:这里主要要清楚where和having的作用以及区别: “WHERE”是一个约束声明,在...
1、错误描述 1 queries executed, 0 success, 1 errors, 0 warnings 查询:update t_user_info t inner join t_pro_info t0 on t.`pro` = t0.`id` inner join t_stu_info t1 on t1.`id` = t0.`co... 错误代码: 1111 Invalid use of group function 执行耗时 : 0 sec 传送时间 : 0 sec...
[Err] 1111 - Invalid use of group function 通常出现在使用 SQL 查询数据库时,特别是在涉及聚合函数(如 SUM, COUNT, AVG 等)和 GROUP BY 子句的情况下。这个错误提示表明,聚合函数的使用方式不正确,违反了 SQL 语法规则。 2. 错误含义 “Invalid use of group function”直译为“组函数使用无效”,意味着...
才产生以上的sql,导致报以上的错误:[Err] 1111 - Invalid use of group function; 正确的sql语句应该为: select * from TBL_MONTH_ONLINE_INFO m where STATDATE < '201707' AND STATDATE > '201801' GROUP BY c.studentId HAVING SUM( 1. 用以上的sql既可以执行。 说明: GROUP BY,顾名思...
[Err] 1111 - Invalid use of group function 本文为博主原创,未经允许不得转载: 初衷,本想通过group by sql语句查询出不同id下总数在一定范围内的数据,所以产生如下的sql,及错误sql select*fromTBL_MONTH_ONLINE_INFO mwhereSUM( STATDATE <'201707'AND STATDATE >'201801'GROUP BY c....
(1,2,3) GROUP BY media_id // #1111 - Invalid use of group function SELECT (sum(view)-max(view)-min(view))/(count(media_id)-2),count(media_id) FROM ms_media_share as a WHERE count(media_id) > 3 GROUP BY media_id // 可行 SELECT (sum(view)-max(view)-min(view))/(count...
(1,2,3) GROUP BY media_id // #1111 - Invalid use of group function SELECT (sum(view)-max(view)-min(view))/(count(media_id)-2),count(media_id) FROM ms_media_share as a WHERE count(media_id) > 3 GROUP BY media_id // 可行SELECT (sum(view)-max(view)-min(view))/(count(...
#1111-Invalid useofgroupfunction If somebody has experience with this kind of Query. Here some details of the query: I i take the query without the first SUM like this (This is the whole query Code) SELECTROUND(SUM( note=3)/count( note=3) )ASAVG, sma_famille.famille,
I'm not sure if this is the proper forum to post this, but I did not see anything better. I keep getting an invalid use of group function error. Most people that get this error seem to be trying to use an aggregate function in a WHERE clause instead of a HAVING clause. However, ...
invaild use of group function问题解决 COUNT(b.tagid)--修改为--> select COUNT(b.tagid) from table