10GBASE-R is used in optical module LAN applications such as optical routers, servers, and switches, and 10GBASE-KR is used in electrical backplane applications such as blade servers usingArria V GZtransceivers. 10GBASE-R is a specific physical layer implementation of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet lin...
USXGMII是接口规范;10G-KR是使用USXGMII接口的电气规范;10G-R是使用USXGMII接口的光收发器规范;10G-KR和10G-R都是基于USXGMII接口的特定应用规范。 10GBASE-R 10GBASE-R 用于光模块 LAN 应用,如光路由器、服务器和交换机,10GBASE-R 是 IEEE 802.3-2008 规范第 49 条中定义的 10 Gb 以太网链路的特定物理层实...
AR# 47943: LogiCORE IP 10Gb 以太网 PCS/PMA(10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR)v2.3——在非同步系统中,RX 弹性缓冲会错误清空 Description 在10Gb 以太网 PCS/PMA(10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR)v2.3 内核中,时钟域边界上会增加同步延迟。 因此占用水平计算会延后两个周期。 这就意味着 FIFO 状态报告的 FIFO 比实际占用...
1G/10GbE and 10GBASE-KR PHY IP10GBASE-R and 10GBASE-KR644.53125, 322.26562564-bit data, 8-bit control156.25 1G/10GbE and 10GBASE-KR PHY IP1000BASE-X and 1000BASE-KX125, 62.58-bit data,gmii_tx_enandgmii_tx_errcontrol125 4.2.5. Synchronization State Machine Parameters in 1000BA...
AR# 53443: 10Gbit 以太网 PCS/PMA (10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR) v2.6 – 来自 SFP 的 TX FAULT 和 Signal Detect 输入无需同时连接到 Rx 和 Tx 复位逻辑 Description 在10Gbit 以太网 PCS/PMA 内核实例设计中,存在部分不必要的到 SFP TX-FAULT 和 Signal_Detect 输入的连接。 没有必要使用实例设计...
Part Number: DS125DF111 Hi team, Customer get a 10GBASE-R signal, and they want to convert it to 10GBASE- K R signal for long distance transmit, could you help
10G Ethernet PCS/PMA (10GBASE-R/KR) Resource Utilization Support Device Family: Virtex UltraScale Kintex UltraScale Zynq-7000 Virtex-7 Kintex-7 Virtex-6 Design Tools: Vivado Design Suite ISE Design Suite Supported Tool Versions Related Products: ...
If using the 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCS/PMA (10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR) v3.0 (Rev. 1) and earlier, there are updates that are needed to the synchronizer logic. 10GBASE-R If using 10GBASE-R core, the synchronization logic could swallow a pulse that would result in the core sometimes missing ...