申请(专利权)人: 日本電気株式会社 发明人: 宮内 秀樹 摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a back light capable of realizing a small outside frame dimension by securely positioning a lamp holder while restraining the thickness of a light guide body as much as possible. SOLUTION: A ligh...
鉄道 電気技術, 1997, 8 ( 6) : 13 17. 邵丙衡. 电力电子技术 [ M ] . 北京: 中国铁道出版社, 1997. 李鲲鹏, 张振生. 广州地铁 4 号线地面制动电阻的设计 [ J] . 机车电传动, 2005, 5 ( 9) : 43 53 ( L I K unpeng , ZH AN G Zhensheng . Design of G ro und Br aking R esi...
申请(专利权)人: NEC CORP 日本電気株式会社 发明人:A Tomohiro,東 友洋 摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a fault detecting circuit for a receiver of a radio base station device that can easily detect a fault, which cannot be detected through a return test, in real time. SOLUTION: ...