来源Karakaya Z,Duyu M,Yersel M N. Oral mucosal mouthwash with chlorhexidine does not reduce the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill children: A randomised controlled trial[J]. Aust Crit Care, 2...
其它研究也发现,使用椰子油(油漱法),的确能有效减少口腔中的主要两种导致蛀牙的有害菌Streptococcus mutans、Lactobacillus 的数量,并降低牙菌斑及牙龈发炎指数,更重要的是,效果不输给常用于口腔护理的杀菌漱口水成分(Chlorhexidine Mouthwash氯己定),是安全又无...
PubMed:Evaluation of the skin disinfecting activity and cumulative effect of chlorhexidine and triclosan handwash preparations on hands artificially contaminated with Serratia marcescens. PubMed:Comparison of the in vivo and in vitro antibacterial properties of antiseptic mouthrinses containing chlorhexidine, ...
Chlorhexidine is harmful in high concentrations, but is used safely in low concentrations in many products, such as mouthwash and contact lens solutions. View all Chemical Properties Almost colourless or pale-yellowish liquid. Uses chlorhexidine digluconate is a preservative generally used in ...
循序渐进以减少误吸风险并提高胃饲耐受性(使用促动力药、连续输注、洗必泰漱口、抬高床头、适当调整胃肠道喂养量);Take steps as needed to reduce risk of aspiration or improve tolerance to gastric feeding (use prokinetic agent, continuous infusion, chlorhexidine mouthwash, elevate the head of bed, and...
Ali A Abdulkareem, Zaid A Al Marah, et al., A randomized double-blind clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of chlorhexidine, antioxidant, and hyaluronic acid mouthwashes in the management of biofilm-induced gingivitis. Int J Dent Hyg. 2020 Aug;18(3):268-277. doi: 10.1111/idh.12432....
hands and any other parts of your body that may have come in contact with the pesticide. To prevent tracking pesticides inside, remove or rinse your boots or shoes before entering your home. Wash any clothes that have been exposed to a lot of pesticide separately from your regular wash. ...
Chlorhexidine diacetate works by disrupting the cell membranes of microorganisms, leading to their death. It is often used in oral hygiene products, such as mouthwashes and toothpastes, as well as in surgical scrubs and wound dressings. This compound has been extensively studied and has a well-...
Chlorhexidine has broad-spectrum antibacterial activitybut is not active against acid-fast bacteria, spores, orviruses. It has been used for such topical uses as preoperativeskin disinfection, wound irrigation, mouthwashes, andgeneral sanitization. Chlorhexidine is not absorbedthrough skin or mucous memb...
口臭氛围口源性口臭和非口源性口臭 之前各种方法都试过了,牙膏,牙线,水牙线,洗牙,口喷,凡是想到...