[6x1 sym] x2:[6x1 sym] x3:[6x1 sym] .90553960985591352219643092016224 4.7108198630581133928941167091861-7.94503 74515536219172121852424559×i -5.2695158922292528617657194964984+3.8713 841417380648226893682867298×i 9.2118524484863654155467746544621 -5.2695158922292528617657194964984-3.87138 41417380648226893682...
BMN-like sectors in 4d $$ \\mathcal{N} $$ = 4 SYM with boundaries and interfaces We identify Penrose limits in the holographic duals with geometry AdS 4 × S 2 × S 2 ×Σ, which describe, for each theory, a spectrum of 'seed... A Chaney,CF Uhlemann - 《Journal of High E...