南珍- 행복이란 (幸福)
Next, it would compute $\\dfrac{\\partial z}{\\partial x}=\\dfrac{\\partial s_1}{\\partial x}\\cdot\\dfrac{\\partial z}{\\partial s_1}= 6 \\cdot \\dfrac{\\partial \\sin(s_1)}{\\partial s_1}=6 \\cdot \\cos(s_1)=6 \\cdot \\cos(3^2)\\approx-5.46$." 449 +...
중공중앙당사문헌연구원이 번역한 “습근평 ‘일대일로’ 론함(2023년판)” 영문판이 최근 중앙편역출판사에서 출판돼 국내외로 발행됐습...
Many Korean students or employees in Shanghai come here when they miss their hometown. Let's hang out at the Korea Town together. There is also a "Life Four Grid" shop at the Korea Town. In fact there are also many "Life ...
53,968 날짜(UTC) 14-Jan-2010 시간(UTC) 08:00 플랫폼 적용할 수 없음 지원되는 모든 x64 기반 버전의 Windows 7 및 Windows Server 2008 R2에 대한 추가 ...