PPT | DAY 1 part I. 개인정보 비식별화 자동화 기술 개발 🏷 OpenCV 설치 🏷 카메라 출력 🏷 비디오 출력 🏷 얼굴 검출 및 비교해 보기 & 블러링 DAY 2 | PPT 🏷 [이미지 다루기] 동영상 샘...
k return temp # This function is used to print the queue def printCQueue1(collections): if collections.head == -1: print("Circular queue is empty") elif collections.tail >= collections.head: for i in range(collections.head, collections.tail + 1): print(collections.queue[i], end=" "...
[i]=Trueforiind:factors=range(i,maximum,i)forfinfactors[1:]:d[f]=Falselst=[iforiindifd[i]==True]returnlstdefp_factorization(number):x=number res=[]lst=sieve_of_erast(number)i=0whilei<len(lst):ifx%lst[i]==0:x=x//lst[i]res.append(lst[i])i=0ifx==1:breakelse:i=i+1...
1 import logging 2 3 logger = logging.getLogger() 4 5 6 7 @log_error(logger) 8 9 def f(): 10 11 raise Exception('I am exceptional') 재시도기다음은 아주 훌륭한 @retry 데코레이터 구현입니다....
print(i, a[i]) ... 0 Mary 1 had 2 a 3 little 4 lamb주의) >>> print(range(10)) range(0, 10)range()가 돌려준 객체는 리스트처럼 보이지만, 리스트가 아님! 연산 시, range 만큼 돌려주는 객체이지만, 실제로...
algo4sik2/horang2main 1 Branch 0 Tags Code Folders and filesLatest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History99 Commits interview hojin May 30, 2022 .gitignore taekyun Mar 20, 2022 README.md Update README.md Jun 18, 2022...
ans=[]text=["cant railway station","citadel hotel"," police stn"]forlineintext:arr=line.split()foriinrange(len(arr)-1):ans.append([[arr[i]],[arr[i+1]]])print(ans) 출력: [[['cant'], ['railway']], [['railway'], ['station']], [['citadel'], ['hotel']], [['po...
importpipelinedeftest_collect_files(tmp_path):# giventemp_data_directory=tmp_path/"data"temp_data_directory.mkdir(parents=True)temp_file=temp_data_directory/"file1.txt"temp_file.touch()expected_length=1# whenfiles=pipeline.collect_files("*.txt")actual_length=len(files)# thenassertexpected_leng...
임계값E(t)=−12∑i≠jwijoioj(t)−∑iθioi(t)(θ:임계값)자세한 수식 설명은 생략하고 싶다... 수식만 보면 머리가 아퍼위의 수식은 연상메모리를 에너지 개념으로 설명한 수식이며, oi...
>>>os.environ['I_DONT_EXIST']Traceback(most recent call last):File"<stdin>",line1,in<module>File"/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/os.py",line679,in__getitem__raiseKeyError(key)fromNone KeyError:'I_DONT_EXIST' ...