Unit3TheInternet ReadingforWriting •Figureouttheorganisationandlanguagefeaturesofablogpost;•Identifytheusefulpatternsandexpressionstomakesuggestionsfromthereadingtext;•Writeablogaboutonlinesafetybyusingthelanguageinthereadingtext.Lead-in Lead-in DoyouthinkthereareanydisadvantagesofusingtheInternet?Whatshould...
Period 4Reading For Writing 教学设计 教材分析: This section designs a combination of reading and writing activities, the theme is "writing blog post". When we surf the Internet, we often don't know who the other person is....
人教版高中英语必修二UNIT 3 Section D Reading for Writing Assessing Your Progress.pptx,人教版高中英语必修二UNIT 3 The internetSection D Reading for Writing Assessing Your ProgressⅠⅡⅢ取笑熟悉……牢记保持安全公开;发出造成麻烦接管;接任建立关系 交朋友一
高中英语全英说课稿说课内容:人教版 必修二 Unit 3 Reading for Writing Write a Blog Post Good afternoon esteemed guests and the teachers. Before I start this class, I want to say something. As the sun graces the afternoon sky, I offend myself in the midst of this distinguished gathering, ov...
《THE INTERNET 》Period 5 说课稿 稿 Today, I said that the content of the class is the new high school English compulsory 2 Period 5 of Unit 3 " Reading for Writing." The theme of this module is people and society, focusing on the topic of the Internet. In this unit, ...
Unit 3 Reading for Writing 课文录音 原文再现 英汉对照 Today I thought I’d blog about a question that has been asked many times—how do you stay safe online and avoid bad experiences on the Internet? I’m not an ...
Unit3 TheInternet readingforwriting Whatisablog?Ablogisapersonalonlinediary.Howtowriteablogaboutonlinesafety?Introduction Tellthereaderabout yourselfandwhatyou knowaboutthetopic.Body Tellthereaderwhat theyshoulddoor keepinmind.Ending Endbyaskingthe readerstowrite comments.Introduction:Tellthereaderaboutyourself...
Unit 3The internet 3.1Listening and Speaking 3.2Reading and Thinking 3.3Discovering Useful Structure 3.4Reading for writing 3.5writing Unit 3 The Internet Listening and Speaking 【教学目标】 1. Guide students to understand the content of listening texts in terms of listening for definitions. 2. Culti...
人教版高中英语选择性必修二 Unit 3 第五课时 Reading and writing.ppt,高二—人教版选择性必修二—英语—第三单元 Food and CultureUsing Language: Writing about a healthy diet Learning ObjectivesIn this class, you willobtain more information about healthy eatin
新人教版高中英语必修一unit5阅读课件unit5 languages around the worldThe Chinese writing system: 1720 -- 0:33 App 新人教版高中英语选修二unit5阅读课件unit5 first aidReading and Thinkingfirst aid for burns 453 -- 0:38 App 新人教版高一英语必修一unit3阅读课件unit3 sports and fitnessreading and ...