解析: 选择B 此题容易误选C, D. 在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成符合名词,在句中只能作定语, 如果选择C, 需要把逗号放s后面。5. There is no enough ___ on the corner to put the table. ( ) A. place B. room C. floor...
Susan: "Oh, right." 下列是几类在日常英语中可以把难题表述清晰的正宗叫法: 1、资产重组句子,换一种叫法 "What I meant to say was..." "Let me rephrase that..." "Let me put this another way..." "Perhaps I'm not making myself clear..." 2、从头开始再说一次 "If we go back to the...
《朗文当代高级英语辞典》自1978年问世以来,作为一部享誉全球的英语学习型词典,深受全球英语学习者的喜爱,备受行业专家和名人的强力推荐。本应用完整收录《朗文当代高级英语辞典》第6版(最新版)权威内容,由海笛携手外研社官方正版发布。 *** 名人推荐 *** 【胡壮麟
1.A:The box is very heavy.She can't carry it.B: The box is 【too】heavy for her 【to】carry.2.A:Do you have any time the day after tomorrow?B:Will you【be】【free】the day after tomorrow?3.A:They went to the farm the day before yesterday.B:They went to th...
5 I will write back to you as soon as I receive your letter I won't write back to you as soon as I receive your letter Will you write back to me as soon as you receive my letter?英语短文我引用一下他人的 感觉适合你 Once upon a time, there was a mouse father.(...
英语难题 1.It's a good idea to practise writing by ___(send) emails to your pen ferind.2.翻译:(1)如果你有什么问题,可以想你的老师寻求帮助。If you have any question,you can___your teacher___help.(2)不要忘了带伞,要下雨了。 3.He spent three hundred yuan___the bike. 4.His f...
新东方大愚 黄培辰:新东方功勋教师,新东方六届优秀教师;北京大学光华管理学院商务英语培训主讲;全国英语等级考试(PETS)口语考官;14年教龄,主讲考研 课程概述 评论(0) 常见问题 Q:课程在什么时间更新? A:课程更新频次以页面前端展示为准。购买成功后,课程更新将通过账号动态提示,方便及时观看。 Q:课程购买后有收看时间...
05:18能听懂这段英语对话,你已经比很多人强了 05:27老外经常说的come clean到底是什么意思? 05:43能听懂这段对话,说明你的英语听力很厉害 05:14外国人常挂嘴边的take advantage of是什么?你记住了吗? 06:51能听懂这段对话,你的英语听力差不了
遇到难题,英语小作文, ThevalueofagoodeducationMethodsofstudythatworkforme题目任选一个,作业马上要交,可是我不太会写,请大侠帮忙,十万火急!... The value of a good educationMethods of study that work for me题目任选一个,作业马上要交,可是我不太会写,请大侠帮忙,十万火急! 展开 ...