在本地使用Xshell连接阿里云时,连接不上,提示:Socket error Event: 32 Error: 10053.微微星云 2019-03-05 11:27:59 源自:6-3 文件操作命令 5418 分享 收起 1回答 编程浪子 2019-03-05 14:01:40 你好 第一:建议你截图出来,让我们看看你的xshell的中怎么配置的。还可以直接 ssh username@ip 看看 第...
问答2018-12-06来自:开发者社区 Socket error Event: 32 Error: 10053. 各种Socket error Event: 32 Error: 10053.新开的ecs,系统盘也重装了,东西也重启了。还是解决不了。直接从管理台进入,刚连上就断开。 问答2018-08-29来自:开发者社区 ssh连接突然出现 Socket error Event: 32 Error: 10053 ...
Socket error Event: 32 Error: 10053. Connection closing...Socket close. Connection closed by foreign host. Disconnected from remote host(42.51.xxx.xxx:22) at 20:00:30. Type `help' to learn how to use Xshell prompt. 操作:用SSH工具连接linux电脑出现的问题:Read from socket failed: Connection...
Xshell Socket error Event: 32 Error: 10053..错误 然后再次登陆后会经常提示 Last failed login: Sun July 14 09:34:18 CST 2018 from on ssh:notty There were 232failed login attempts since the last successful login. 其中59.63.166.105 明显不是本地的IP,通过网上查看,该IP位于江西南昌...
最近使用Xshell使用服务器,经常连接上使用一会就会被自动中断,很是闹心,并且出现以下的错误提示: Socket error Event: 32 Error: 10053. Connection closing...Socket close. Connection closed by foreign host. Disconnected from remote host(测试) at 0... 文章...
一、问题描述:xshell连接不了虚拟机,出现错误提示:Connection closing...Socket close.Connection closed by foreign host.Disconnected from remote host(localhost) at 08:47:23. 二、查找错误原因: 1、登录虚拟机,打开终端,切换到root用户,输入systemct... ...
Socket error Event: 32 Error: 10053. Connection closing...Socket close. Connection closed by foreign host. Disconnected from remote host(测试) at 09:35:58. Type`help'to learn how to use Xshell prompt. 重新登录使用last指令查看登录情况,发现好几个终端依然登着,但是ip地址变化了,好吧,很有可能...