安装的话就使用了npm install images。 其他安装包 giflib 4.x.x libpng 1.5.x jpeg-turbo 1.x.x 自己手动编译安装。。。 /node_modules/images/binding.js:55 throw new Error('Can't load the addon. Issue to: ' + bugUrl + ^ Error: Can't load the addon. Issue to: https://github.com/z...
vue init webpack vuework1 Command vue init requires a global addon to be installed. Please run undefined @vue/cli-init and try again. 1. 2. 3. 4. 这个错误信息提示你vue init命令需要一个全局的插件来执行,但是具体的插件名显示为undefined @vue/cli-init,这是不正确的。正确的插件名应该是@vue...
GKE上的Istio是通过启用集群的addon列表中的Istio来安装的。 # The gateways "istio-autogenerated-k8s-ingress" is invalid: metadata.resourceVersion# res 浏览0提问于2019-06-12得票数 1 1回答 ISTIO出口网关流程 、、 我已使用以下配置安装了ISTIO cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -kind: IstioOperatormetad...
run npm run lint-js, which will run standard against both Electron itself as well as the unit tests. If you are using an editor with a plugin/addon system, you might want to use one of the manyStandardJS addons to be informed of co...
kube-systemkube-addon-manager-minikube1/1Running01mkube-systemkube-dns-6fc954457d-rpnsn0/3ContainerCreating043skube-systemkubernetes-dashboard-5zbh50/1ContainerCreating043s 其中时有kubernetes-dashboard的,之后发现时自己的dns指向了192.168.31.1(小米路由的锅),将其改为8.8.8.8之后成功打开dashboard WebUI。
在云计算领域中,Heroku是一种流行的云平台服务,它提供了便捷的部署和托管解决方案,使开发者能够快速构建和部署应用程序。Heroku支持多种编程语言,包括但不限于Java、Python、Ruby、Node.js等。 针对你提到的具体问题,"Heroku错误找不到'm3u8stream/lib/parse-time'",这是一种错误提示,表明在使用Heroku平...
To ensure that your JavaScript is in compliance with the Electron coding style, runnpm run lint-js, which will runstandardagainst both Electron itself as well as the unit tests. If you are using an editor with a plugin/addon system, you might want to use one of the manyStandardJS addons...
GTFOcli是一款功能强大的命令行接口工具,该工具提供了简化的二进制搜索命令,可以检测包含错误配置的目标系统以对其进行安全评估。 Alpha_h4ck 86752围观·4·22024-06-13 firebase:一款功能强大的Firebase数据库安全漏洞与错误配置检测工具原创 工具 firebase是一款针对Firebase数据库的安全工具,可以针对目标Firebase数据库执行...
objs/addon/src/ngx_http_fastdfs_module.o objs/ngx_modules.o -L/data/tools/ngx_openresty- -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/openresty/luajit/lib -Wl,-E -lpthread -lcrypt -L/usr/local/lib -ldrizzle -L/data/tools/ngx_openresty-