以唐朝人赵蕤所著《长短经》引用的《逸周书·官人》的文句,删补改乙今本《逸周书》的数十处衍夺讹倒及脱简错简。 更多例句>> 4) A Series of Textual Researches on Yizhoushu 《逸周书》丛考 5) Reading Notes on Yizhoushu(《逸周书》) 读《逸周书》笔记 6) ancient works no longer extant...
6. Supplements and corrections on the collations of DuShuZAZhi·YiZhouShu (《读书杂志·逸周书》)by Wang Nian-sun(王念孙); 王念孙《读书杂志·逸周书》校雠补正7. The Document Value of Yizhoushu·Guanren Quoted By Chang Duan Jing; 《长短经》所引《逸周书·官人》的校勘价值8. A Discussion ...
逸周书 1. The Variant Titles of Yizhoushu and their Editting; 《逸周书》的异名与编辑 2. An Analysis of the Narrative Models in Yizhoushu; 《逸周书》叙事模式分析 3. A Restudy of the Compilation of Yizhoushu through an Analysis of the Comprehensive Nature of Wenzhuan; 从《文传》的...