RT-qPCR is like a tiny detective that can find and count specific pieces of genetic information called RNA molecules. These RNA molecules are like secret messages that cells use to give instructions for making different proteins, which are the building blocks of life. Imagine you're a detective...
qpcr中,然后在pcr反应中扩增该cdna。 5.rt ‑ qpcr测定可以在一步或两步反应中执行。在一步法rt ‑ qpcr中,cdna合成和qpcr在单个反应容器中的通用反应缓冲液中执行。在两步法rt ‑ qpcr中,cdna在一个反应中合成,然后将等分的cdna用于后续的qpcr实验。一步法反应允许最少的样品处理和闭管反应,从而减少移液...