The interesting grammar and short paragraphs make this a quick and easy book for ESL learners. This is an award-winning book and on theNY Timesbest books list, so it’s worth a read. 它语法有趣,段落简短,对英语学习者来说简单易读。这...
这本经典绘本适合英语水平较低的读者。它讲述了一只饥饿的毛毛虫如何吃掉各种食物,然后变成美丽的蝴蝶。书中简单有趣的句子和可爱的插图,使得初学者可以轻松地理解故事内容。2. "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White 这是一本适合进阶初学者的中篇小说。故事讲述了一只聪明的蜘蛛夏洛特如何帮助一只小猪维护生存,并结...
1,别有洞天(Holes)作者路易斯·萨奇尔 (Louis Sachar)是近来颇有名气的作家了,此书还被改编为电影。这本书曾荣获1999年纽柏瑞儿童文学奖的金牌,是一部十分精彩有趣的儿童文学作品。很多初学者没有耐心阅读名著,不如静下心来读自己感兴趣的文学,这本书语法简单,词汇量不大,情节也引人入胜,适合入门。2...
The interesting grammar and short paragraphs make this a quick and easy book for ESL learners. This is an award-winning book and on theNY Timesbest books list, so it’s worth a read. 它语法有趣,段落简短,对英语学习者来说简单易读。...
这部短篇小说非常适合英语学习者。它主题比较现代,并且有大家都经历过的典型青少年问题。 There are very few cultural notes in this, which means you don’t need much background information. The sentences are short and easy to understand. The voca...