沪江词库精选轨道根数英文怎么写及英文单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 elements of orbit orbital elements elements of an orbit 相似短语 the elements大自然的力量;基本原理,基础入门 war of elements暴风雨 canonical elements正则根数 cellular elements细胞分子 ...
沪江词库精选密切轨道根数英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 osculating element 相似短语 osculating circle 密切圆 osculating orbit 密切轨道,吻切轨道 osculating elements 吻切根数 osculating quadric 密切二次曲面 osculating element 密切轨道根数 osculating point 吻切点 osculating cubic 密切三次...
Orbital elements a-Semimajor axis e-Eccentricity i-Inclination Ω-Longitude of the ascending node ω-Argument of periapsis M。-Mean anomaly at epoch
p=2296 分享回复赞 武汉铁路司机学校吧 峥嵘岁月93 城市轨道交通信号系统常见英文缩写大全缩略语英文中文ACAlternate Current交流电AMPAmplifier放大器ANCATC Network ControllerATP网络通信单元ANSIAmerican National Standard Institute美国国家标准化组织APAccess Point无线接入点ATCAutomatic Train Control... 分享7赞 家具吧 ...
轨道根数 1. The Relative Trajectory (RT) is defined as the geometric pattern consisting of the centroid of each satellite, and the RT design is to find out those orbit elements of each satellite according to the geometric pattern of the RT (. ...
轨道根数 1. The Relative Trajectory (RT) is defined as the geometric pattern consisting of the centroid of each satellite, and the RT design is to find out those orbit elements of each satellite according to the geometric pattern of the RT (. 卫星在编队飞行时,其队形定义为以各颗卫星质心...
沪江词库精选平均轨道根数英语怎么说及英文翻译、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 median orbital elements 相似短语 median chart中间管理图 median divider中央分隔带 median eminence正中隆起 median error中间误差 median ridge中脊 median sinus中窦 median size中等大小 ...
沪江词库精选吻切轨道根数用英语怎么说及英语单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 osculating orbital elements 相似短语 osculating circle 密切圆 osculating orbit 密切轨道,吻切轨道 osculating elements 吻切根数 osculating quadric 密切二次曲面 osculating element 密切轨道根数 osculating point 吻切点 ...