(4). 尝试重新构建应用程序或重新安装 Xcode。如果以上步骤都无法解决问题,你可以尝试重新构建应用程序或重新安装 Xcode。 另外,还有一些常见的 provisioning profile 相关的问题,比如 Bundle ID 不匹配、证书过期等等,都可能导致类似的错误。如果你尝试了上述步骤但仍然无法解决问题,建议联系苹果开发者支持了解更多信息。
We were unable to install the app on iPhone and iPad. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on an iPhone and iPad . Next Steps To resolve this issue, please check the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key to verify tha...
Unable to install deb for dpkg 只看楼主 收藏 回复哦御林军1314 烂苹果 1 怎么办呀 各位大神pe 烂苹果 1 我的也是,楼主的图和文字不一样啊 超级没命了 青苹果 3 我是这样的,还在找寻办法……zxzx7758521 烂苹果 1 见鬼了,我用着用着,变这样了 ...
Unable to install breakpoint xxx ... to missing line number attributes 问题 新环境中使用DEBUG模式跑项目时发现报错了,错误截图如下: 问题翻译 无法安装断点 incom.sgcc.sgwpdm.mobile appstore controller.AppStorecontroller 由于缺少行号属性,增强器通过spring CGLIB$$463234cd修改编译器选项来生成行号属性。 原因...
1. 把免认证IAProductInfo隐藏文件拷贝到制作好的安装盘的根目录,可直接跳过第一步不需要重启直接进入第二步安装即可。2. 用终端命令安装installer -pkg /Volumes/mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg -target /Volumes/xxxx (xxx是需要安装OSX分区的卷标名,注意空格要用反斜杠转义) 5楼2017-10...
21:01:29.074: Failed to scrub log buffer21:01:29.074: 21:01:29.074: === device restore output ===21:01:29.074: (null)21:01:29.074: 21:01:29.074: AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle21:01:29.325: 刷机错误码:14.21:01:29.325: 刷机错误描述:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed...
5.3.4: Our App Location function reminds users when they first install it in the form of a pop-up window. Please click "Allow" to allow access. If not, 10000114 APP will not be able to locate the current location. I hope the Apple Audit Team can continue to audit. Thank you. ...
aApple is unable to provide information about your service coverage. Please sign in with your Apple ID and provide your product\'s date of purchase so that we can display your coverage information. 苹果计算机公司无法提供关于您的服务覆盖面的信息。 请签到与您的苹果计算机公司ID并且提供您的产品\ ...
areinstall aii program components installed by the previous setup 再安装aii早先设定安装的节目组分[translate] ayou've probably been told more than a couple of times why eye contract is essential to public speaking,but how exactly can you use eye contact effectively? there are two most important ...