初中英语⼩故事及翻译:⼩猪搬西⽠The pig & Watermelon In spring, the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the foot of the mountain. They planted some watermelon. When summer came, there were many big round watermelons in the field. One day, the sun was burning like a...
这里与大家分享适合初中生阅读的英语小故事,有时间我们不妨学习一下,看看自己能够做到何种程度。 适合初中生阅读的英语小故事(一) 自负的鹅 The feathers of a Goose put the newly-fallen snow to the blush. Proud of this dazzling gift of Nature, she considered herself intended for a Swan, rather than...
1、初中英语小故事及翻译5篇初中英语故事带翻译初中英语小故事及翻译:小猪搬西瓜The pig & WatermelonIn spring, the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the foot of the mountain.They planted some watermelon. When summer came, there were many big round watermelons in the field. One day, the...
英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译)如下:Midway Tactics Three peting store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue.The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!"The store on the left raised bigger signs ...
【初中英语听力小故事一】 ulius Caesar 尤里乌斯.凯撒 Nearly two thousand years ago there lived in Rome a man whose name was Julius Caesar. He was the greatest of all the Romans. Why was he so great? 大约两千年前,罗马有一个名叫尤利乌斯·凯撒的人。他是全体罗马人中最伟大的人。他为什么这...
小编分享关于初中英语故事短文带翻译,希望可以帮助大家! 关于初中英语故事短文带翻译:真假汉鼎 A civilian named Shentu Dun in Luoyang obtained an unearthed tripod of the Han Dynasty from Shenchuan, Chang'an. On the tripod, the crisscross designs of clouds and ancient hornless dragons were bright and...
短篇英语童话小故事带翻译 袋鼠与笼子 (Kangaroos and the Cage) One day the staff members of a zoo called a meeting to discuss the problem--how to deal with the kangaroos that were found out of the cage. They came to the conclusion that the cage was placed too low and decided to raise ...
but remember what good work the old did when they were young."【译文】老猫 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。于是,老妇...