Another common way to begin an e-mail is to mention a specific item or previous event that the person you are writing to is familiar with. For example:另一种替电子邮件开头的方式则是提及某特定事项,或是你的信件收信者所熟悉的先前事件。 If you are responding to an e-mail that was sent t...
英文商务邮件格式范文 篇1 Dear sir/madam: Thank you for your letter of [date]. I’m glad that you are also going to [place] next month. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the [exhibition/trade fair]. Our company is having a reception at [hotel] on the evening of [date...
英文商务邮件格式范文(精选4篇)英文商务邮件格式范文(一)(1)发件人(thesender) (2)收件人(mailrecipient) (3)邮件主题(thesubjectline) (4)开头称说语(thesalutation) (5)信文(themessageorthebodyoftheletter) (6)结尾敬语(thecomplimentaryclose) (7)写信人签名或签署(thewriter’ssignatureanddesignation) ...
二、英文商务邮件格式 1.邮件头部 邮件头部包含发送者和接收者的信息,格式如下: -发送者姓名:在邮件头部的顶部左侧,对应的英文词汇是"From"或"Sender"。 -发送者邮箱地址:在发送者姓名下方,对应的英文词汇是"Email"。 -发送日期:在发送者邮箱地址的下方,对应的英文词汇是"Date"。 -邮件主题:在发送日期下方,对...
英文商务邮件格式范文 篇1 Dear sir/madam: Thank you for your letter of [date]. I’m glad that you are also going to [place] next month. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the [exhibition/trade fair]. Our company is having a reception at [hotel] on the evening of [date...
PAGE1 / NUMPAGES1 英文商务邮件格式(合集5篇) 英文商务邮件格式范文 第1篇 Subject: Offers: Dear Sir, This is to confirm your E-mail of 2 July, 20XX, asking us to make your firm offers for rice and soybeans Camp;F Singapore. We E-mail you this morning offering you 300 metric tons of...
英文商务邮件格式范文一 Dear Mr. Jones: We have received your letter of 9th April showing your interest in our complete product information. Our product lines mainly include high quality textile products. To give you a general idea of the various kinds of textiles now available for export, we ...
二、英文商务邮件格式 1.邮件头部 邮件头部包含发送者和接收者的信息,格式如下: -发送者姓名:***部的顶部左侧,对应的英文词汇是"From" 或"Sender"。 -发送者邮箱地址:在发送者姓名**,对应的英文词汇是"Email"。 -发送日期:在发送者邮箱地址的下方,对应的英文词汇是"Date"。 -...
以下是一个典型的英文商务邮件格式范文: 1.邮件头部(邮件标题) Subject: [清晰、简洁的主题行] 2.收件人信息 To: [收件人的全名及邮箱地址] Cc: [抄送人的全名及邮箱地址](如果需要的话) 3.寄件人信息 From: [您的全名<您的邮箱地址>] 4.日期 Date: [发送日期,例如:01 January 2024] 5.正文部分 a....
这些词通常放在邮件的末尾,显得特别正式。 签名:方便快捷 职位、联系方式等个人信息可以在签名处编辑,这样使用时特别方便。每个人的书写风格不同,但这些格式可以作为一个参考。总的来说,书写英文邮件没有绝对的标准,大家可以根据自己的习惯来调整。希望这些小贴士能帮到你,让你的英文邮件更加专业和高效!😊...