耗油量,润滑[机]油消耗量; 实用场景例句 全部 The plane was deafeningly noisy, guzzled fuel, and left a trail of smoke. 这架飞机发出震耳欲聋的噪音,耗油量大,而且留下一路烟迹。 柯林斯例句 Fuel consumption is 38 mpg around town, 55 mpg on the open road. ...
消耗,耗油率3) theory of minimum rate of available energy dissipation 最小可用能耗率原理 1. Research on the theory of minimum rate of available energy dissipation and statistic entropy in rivers; 河流最小可用能耗率原理和统计熵理论研究4) oil consumption rate 耗油率5...
单位作业耗油t(fuel consumption perunit operation)农机作业中的一种技术经济指标。是农业机器完成单位作业量所消耗的燃油量。企业或地区的平均单位作业耗油量可通过统计总作业量与总耗油量确定。计量单位有千克/亩、千克/标准亩、千克/吨·千米和千克/小时等。中国农业机械管理部门规定千克/标准亩为农业机械作业单位耗...
总耗油2) cumulative fuel consumption 总耗油量3) oil consumption 油耗 1. A theoretical model for calculating oil consumption was built based on the major factors influencing oil consumption. 根据影响汽车油耗的主要因素建立汽车油耗计算的理论模型,通过试验获得大量的相关数据,并进行了整理、统计回归后,...
【题目】下列词语中加点的字,每对读音全都相同的一项是(A.缉私/通缉当事人/当家子委曲求全/曲高和寡B.仓颉/采撷梁山泊/舶来品拈花惹草/拈轻怕重C.耗油/损耗给水管/供给制因材施教/教学相长D.拂晓/仿佛贴标签/发帖子情不自禁/噤若寒蝉 相关知识点: 语言基础及运用 语言文字应用 字音字形 音形匹配 试题...
4) low-consumption engine 低耗油量发动机5) depletion performance of reservoir 油藏消耗动态6) brake specific fuel consumption 制动比燃油耗补充资料:自动 ①自己主动;出于自己心愿:非常自动地来到车站送行|自动报名参加。②不靠外力的:自动燃烧。③指器械通过自身的装置而活动:自动传输|自动售货机。 说明:...
能猛加油,既耗油又损伤发动机。问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 Can be fierce fuel, both fuel and damage the engine. 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 be able to use both fuel, fuel consumption and engine damage. 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 Can refuel fiercely, both consumes fuel ...
耗油双菇问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 Fuel Mushrooms 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 Fuel Consumption double mushroom 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 Consumes fuel the double mushroom 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 Fuel consumption double mushrooms...
耗油量;燃料消耗量2) fuel oil consumption 燃料油消耗量3) Fuel consumption 燃油消耗量 1. Discussion on determining repair cycle of diesel locomotive based on fuel consumption; 以燃油消耗量作为内燃机车检修周期依据的探讨 2. This paper established the engine versatile characteristics model in steady...