Study Timeline:September 2022 – May 2027; Detailed Study Plan: During first year of PhD study, I took courses with a breadth of knowledge in the fields of XXX (博士必修/选修课程). By the end of the first semester, I have selected my research advisor and began studying in the field of...
In order to make greater contribution to the economic development of this country, I wish to further my study in the field of Economics, working toward a Master’s degree at first, and then, if possible, toward a doctoral degree. After completing the studies, I plan to return to China an...
Research Proposal/Study Plan研究计划 / 学习计划下载 《Research Proposal/Study Plan研究计划 / 学习计划》是由申请美国留学签证:F-1和J-1类签证持有人填写的,Study Plan叙述了申请人赴美研究/学习计划及相关的详细信息,其中包括美国学校的导师和/或系主任的姓名及电子邮箱地址。 下载地址:Study Plan.doc 《...
美国留学签证问题回答总结 美国签证study plan篇一 签证时最好根据自己的情况描述自己的留学计划,一定要准备充分再上场。 模板之类的最好不要用,如果与别的申请人撞车就很不好了,签证官会怀疑你留学计划的真实性。 f1面签的时间是比较短暂的,一般就在2-3分钟左右,除了读研读博敏感专业。 在面签时一定保持自信、坦...