给大家推荐几个mod..1、best war,修改了战斗宽度和烈度、不同部队质量问题。终于能看到几百营大战死伤百万的战斗了。2、Anbeeld Revision of AI,果然AI智商问题还得靠mod解决。在这mod里你能
Bset三件套,我可太喜欢这三个mod了!Best WarBest constructionBest War AI分别优化了战争:让军队科技代差更为明显,双方投入战斗的人数根据总人数添加保底,进攻时属性更高的一方拥有额外投入人数加成,增添了兵种的康复率,海军代差也是如此,再也不会出现欧洲大国被土著推下海啦建筑则是单纯的把单一建筑力量投入上限增加...
楼主打了best war的mod,打个仗死几万人。这几万人如果是本土居民,就会消耗大量自给农。从而少了大量可就业人口。10万人放殖民地不痛不痒,放在本土就是好几十个厂子啊,这得挣多少钱啊。所以,当你有了一定数量的殖民地,或者征服了一些地区但是不打算整合时。这时候就要考虑把本土的一些兵营拆掉,让殖民地人民进兵...
后期开大规模征兵然后看海吧,谁来干谁。 我打了2个mod,一个是bestbuild一个bestwar 编辑于 2022-12-22 21:45・IP 属地江苏 1 《哪吒之魔童闹海》票房破 50 亿,最新预测最终票房超过 87 亿,你们觉得这个预测能达成吗? 1541 万热度 2 三亚西岛大量游客滞留码头高喊退票,景区称「不是船不够,是游客太多」...
网友:Once it's released I'm probably going to see if I can make a mod where the private construction queue doesn't have any points so they can't actually build anythingOn the whole I was excited about the patch until I read the part about removing direct investment, which basically is...
自从装了Best w..嗯打起来确实舒服就是不知道是mod的问题还是原版的问题打的时候将军带的兵很容易消耗但是兵补出来了之后却不回到将军手下弄出来一个不满编的将军和一堆预备役部队
1、Anbeeld's Revision of AI(改善了一下ai的智商,会自动建造建筑,这个MOD不过是把ai的智商从懵懂无知到启蒙教育而已,我用下来所起到的作用就是对“征服派”吞并后经济阵痛有一些阻碍,其他就是看到ai的GDB能短时间超1B。另外到后期原材料会有很大的不足。)2、Best war(既然挑战不可能去选择大国,小国的话,...
The release date for this patch is Monday December 5th, at 10:00 Central European Time.Your existing save games will be compatible with 1.1, but as usual we will backup the old 1.0.6 version as a Steam beta branch you can rollback to if needed (e.g. for mod compatibility)....
The release date for this patch is Monday December 5th, at 10:00 Central European Time.Your existing save games will be compatible with 1.1, but as usual we will backup the old 1.0.6 version as a Steam beta branch you can rollback to if needed (e.g. for mod compatibility)....
The release date for this patch is Monday December 5th, at 10:00 Central European Time.Your existing save games will be compatible with 1.1, but as usual we will backup the old 1.0.6 version as a Steam beta branch you can rollback to if needed (e.g. for mod compatibility)....