2) cartilage endplate 软骨终板细胞 1. Effect of interleukin-6 on the chondrocytes in the cartilage endplate of rabbits in vitro; IL-6对体外培养的兔软骨终板细胞生物学行为的影响 更多例句>> 3) cartilage endplate 软骨终板 1. Effect of blocking nutritional pathway to the cartilage endplate ...
2) chondrocyte of the endplate 软骨终板软骨细胞3) Growth plate chondrocyte 生长板软骨细胞 1. Expression of ERK-2 gene in growth plate chondrocyte mediated by adenovirus vector; 腺病毒介导ERK-2基因在生长板软骨细胞中的表达 2. Growth plate chondrocytes promoting VEGF expression of BMSCs; ...