20. Yemen National Dialogue Conference - 也门全国对话大会 为了帮助大家理解和记忆这些词汇,这里提供一篇英文小短文,并附上中文意思,如图:
炒股第一步,先开个股票账户 航运界网消息,马士基1月2日晚发布最新决定,在“Maersk Hangzhou”轮途经曼德海峡时遭到胡塞武装的新一轮袭击后,马士基将暂停所有通过红海和亚丁湾的航行,直至另行通知。 事实上,马士基在30日袭击发生后,立即决定实施的48小时暂停红海航运。不过,其在2024年1月1日公布的最新的15条航线的...
西方媒体指责中国航运公司利用红海危机大捞横财 2月12日,雅虎财经发布了一篇题为“Chinese shipping companies cash in on the Red Sea crisis”的文章,这个标题很有意思,有道翻译结果是”中国航运公司利用红海危机大捞一笔“。相比此前西方媒体欲说还羞、酸意暗流的文章,这篇文章可谓非常直白、恶意满满。 2月12日...
The crisis has two big implications: one for the world economy and the other regarding the risks of military escalation in the Middle East as Western countries try to re-establish order. Start with the economy. Revenue from the Suez Canal is a major source of income for Egypt, which is al...
红海航道危机加剧多家航运巨头暂停航线 BBC英语听力训练【第36期】精选英语新闻 (英音)This is the route taken by around 12% of world shipping which then passes through the Suez Canal, but several major freight companies have stopped passing through here now, and taking the much longer route of oth...