更新次数:update times。使用梯度下降更新网络的次数 折扣因子:discount factor、gamma 【网络宽度、网络层数】越复杂的函数就需要越大容量的神经网络去拟合。在需要训练1e6步的任务中,我一般选择 宽度128、256,层数小于8的网络(请注意,乘以一个w算一层,一层LSTM等于2层,详见曾伊言:LSTM入门例子)。使用ResNet等结...
Although the birth rate continued to, decline from its high level of the eighth and early nineth centuries, the population roughly doubled every generation during the rest of the nineth century. As the population grew, its makeup also changed. Massive waves of immigration brought new...