科普知识 > 硅超大规模集成电路工艺技术—理论、实践与模型_课后习题答案 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 1526阅读文档大小:245.0K26页andrewxiao上传于2010-04-28格式:DOC 硅超大规模集成电路工艺技术:理论、实践与模型=Silicon VLSI Technology Fundamentals, Practice and Modeling_11147145 part 0002 ...
硅超大规模集成电路工艺技术—理论、实践与模型_课后习题答案 1.2. Assuming dopant atoms are uniformly distributed in a silicon crystal, how far apart are these atoms when the doping concentration is a). 1015 cm-3, b). 1018 cm-3, c). 5x1020 cm-3. Answer: The average distance between...
硅超大规模集成电路工艺技术—理论、实践与模型课后习题答案_能源/化工_工程科技_专业资料。1.2. Assuming dopant atoms are uniformly distributed in a silicon crystal, how far apart are these a 1.2. Assuming dopant atoms are uniformly distributed in a silicon crystal, how far apart are these atoms ...
2019年整理硅超大规模集成电路工艺技术—理论、实践与模型课后习题答案.pdf,1.2. Assuming dopant atoms are uniformly distributed in a silicon crystal, how far apart are 15 -3 18 -3 20 -3 these atoms when the doping concentration is a). 10 cm , b). 10 cm , c).
1.2. Assuming dopant atoms are uniformly distributed in a silicon crystal, how far apart are these atoms when the doping concentration is a). 1015cm-3, b). 1018cm-3, c). 5x1020cm-3. Answer: The average distance between the dopant atoms would just be one over the cube root of the...