顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 1 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 文档标签: 瓦格纳英语音乐节介绍 WilhelmRichardWagnerwasaheavyhitterinthehistoryofGermanopera.HeundertookthefrontofMozartandBeethoven'straditionalopera,afterheopenedtheromanticoperacomposingtrend.ItfollowedbyRichardStrauss.Atthesametime,because...
瓦格纳和音乐节的英文介绍 Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a heavy hitter in the history of German opera. He undertook the front of Mozart and Beethoven's traditional opera, after he opened the romantic opera composing trend. It followed by Richard Strauss. At the same time, because of his complex ...
the entire world. The drama and intrigue continues through three generations of protagonists, until the final cataclysm at the end of Götterdämmerung.
瓦格纳和音乐节的英文介绍Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a heavy hitter in the history of German opera. He undertook the front of Mozart and Beethoven's traditional opera, after he opened the romantic opera composing trend. It followed by Richard Strauss. At the same time, because of his complex ...