现代大学英语(第二版)听力3 U1-4 发布时间:2022-8-26 | 云展网企业宣传册制作 宣传册 其他 现代大学英语(第二版)听力3 U1-4 关注 外研社UNIPUS 粉丝: 0 百万用户使用云展网进行pdf电子书制作,只要您有文档,即可一键上传,自动生成链接和二维码(独立电子书),支持分享到微信和网站!
《现代大学英语听力 3》Unit11Business(听力原文及答案) Unit 11 Business 《现代大学英语听力 3》听力原文及答案 Task 1 【答案】 A. First, pay careful attention to dress—your appearance and be natural. Second, if it's a university application—have a clear idea of the subjects you wish to tak...
现代大学英语听力2Unit-3 现代⼤学英语听⼒ 2Unit-3 Unit 3 Task 1 【答案】 A. 1) Stress on the job costs American companies as much as $150 billion a year in lower productivity, unnecessary employee sick leave, and higher medical costs. 2) The most stressful professions are those that...