品牌:玉林 产地:中国 净重:2.0oz/FL (60ml) 保质期:包装无标注/慎购 玉林舒筋露 外用喷雾止痛剂 喷雾型 药剂主治: 消除酸痛瘀肿 背痛 关节炎 拉伤 瘀伤 扭伤 产品的说明信息未经美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的评估审查,因此,本品不宜作药用注解。怀孕及哺乳期妇女、婴幼儿或 正在服用处方药物者请在使用...
玉林 舒筋露 Size 2.0 fl. oz (60ml) SHU JIN LU EASY FLEX: Easy Flex (Shu Jin Lu) is a proprietary mixture of herbs promote blood circulation to injured muscles, joints and bones. Stemming from the classic practices of Dieda in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the formula for Shu Jin...
SHU JIN LU EASY FLEX EXTERNAL ANALGESIC SPRAY 玉林 舒筋露 Size 2.0 fl. oz (60ml) SHU JIN LU EASY FLEX: Easy Flex (Shu Jin Lu) is a proprietary mixture of herbs promote blood circulation to injured muscles, joints and bones. Stemming from the classic practices of Dieda in Tradition...