"The whole world's a river, and I'm its king." 世界就是一条河流,而我是他的国王 Champion Select Pick "Call me king, call me demon. Water forgets the names of the drowned." Ban "You're duller than a broken sandwich." Movement First Move "Let us peruse this establishment's fare."...
关于lol河流之主塔姆: 技能:E【厚实表皮】提供的护盾可以在线上换血不亏,W【大快朵颐-塔姆】可以很好地保护自己的后排,R【深渊潜航】则可以配合有强力控制的上单打野先手开团。 英雄劣势:塔姆唯一不足的是缺乏瞬间的硬控技能,虽然有着不错的保护能力,但无法阻止对方二段突进。而且骚扰能力不强,所以在线上只能在ADC...
河流之主塔姆肯奇,美服语音台词塔姆肯奇,世界的主宰,以水为王,他的语言充满深意和力量:</ “世界是河流,我为王,挑选那些赞美我的台词,如‘唤我为王,唤我为魔,水忘却了溺亡者的姓名’,拒绝那些无趣的挑衅,如‘你比破三明治还无趣’。”他的行动犹如品味美食的探索者,宣告着:“让我们品...
世界就是一条河流,而我是他的国王 Champion Select Pick "Call me king, call me demon. Water forgets the names of the drowned." Ban "You're duller than a broken sandwich." Movement First Move "Let us peruse this establishment's fare." "It is the heart from which the darkest water flows...
"The whole world's a river, and I'm its king." 世界就是一条河流,而我是他的国王 Champion Select Pick "Call me king, call me demon. Water forgets the names of the drowned." Ban "You're duller than a broken sandwich." Movement ...