授予单位:河北大学答日期:二0-0年六月C.UDK: 10075NO: 20070*62( Unified lnk%:V.O.C.:A Dissertation for the Degree of M. EngineeringHydrothermal Synthesis of TiO2nan o material( andidatr: Peng Xijinp u hupervkor: Hrof. Wd ZhlrenMaster of EngineeringAcHcirmic Deg 2、ree Applied for:Sp...
出水温度55C 冷凉水污垢護铁0.0176megC/kW 冷却水污垢系数0.044rrv-deg C/kW2.对产品不斷研究与改R为特灵公司的一贯政策.因此.上表中务項步IS若有变更.职不另行18如敬询见谅,17TRANE#TRANE机组外形尺寸图III#TRANEA TRANE机组外形尺寸图RTWD标准机纽高效机ai70.80,90 mm100.110mm120,130.140,150mm60,70.80mm...
3890 3754 1256 1950 RTWD180PE 125.0 2 47.3 150 4345 4096 3796 1256 1950 RTWD200PE 133.2 2 29.3 150 4555 4287 3 45、472 1267 1955 注1.上述工况参散:冷冻木适木温度15*0出水S«7*C.冷却木进木温度409.出♦:況度45C 冷冻木污垢系ti 0.0176rrv-deg C/kW 冷却水污垢系tt 0.044m^deg C/...