THE STORY OF A MOTHER 母亲的故事 A mother sat there with her little child. She was so downcast, so afraid thatit should die! It was so pale, the small eyes had closed themselves, and itdrew its breath so softly, now and then, with a deep respiration, as if itsighed; and the ...
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安徒生童话故事第49篇:母亲的故事The Story of a Mother “You think I shall keep him, do you not?” she said. “Our all-merciful God will surely not take him away from me.” The old man, who was indeed Death himself, nodded his head in a peculiar manner, which might have signified ...
安徒生童话故事第49篇:母亲的故事The Story of a Mother “You think I shall keep him, do you not?” she said. “Our all-merciful God will surely not take him away from me.” The old man, who was indeed Death himself, nodded his head in a peculiar manner, which might have signified ...
the STORY OF A MOTHER A mother sat there with her little child. She was so downcast, so afraid that it should die! It was so pale, the small eyes had closed themselves, and it drew its breath so softly, now and then, with a deep respiration, as if it sighed; and the mother look...
The Story of a Mother 母亲的故事:a mother sat by her little child. she was so sad, so afraid he would d
But the distressed mother bent down over all the smallest plants, and heard within them how the human heart beat; and amongst millions she knew her child's. “there it is!” cried she, and stretched her hands out over a little blue crocus, that hung quite sickly on one side. “Don'...