不動産に付加価値を Add value to real estate Rapportは、 不動産に付加価値を与える中古住宅再生事業、 お住まいの購入をサポートする売買仲介事業、 物件管理・オーナー管理代行業務などを行っています。 RENOVATION 買取再販 不動産の購入や売却をお考えの方は、ぜひご相談ください。販売中の物件...
aA total of 20 chimeric viruses were constructed and evaluated in vitro, in one-day-old chicks, and in two-week-old chickens. The results showed that both the envelope-associated and polymerase-associated proteins contribute to the difference in virulence between rBC and rGBT, with the envelope...
Otherwise, we arebut making futile attempts, and our hope, which enablesusto solve the deep-rooted conflicts in politics and economy in Hong Kong, the problem of disparity between the rich and the poor in Hong Kong and the problem of tyrannical acts by estate developers, will never be reali...
日本マスタートラスト信託銀行株式会社/T980300931 ·The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd./T980300931赤坂一丁目8番1号 赤坂インターシティAIR, 東京都 港区, 107-8472, JP2025-01-20 日本マスタートラスト信託銀行株式会社/T980310993 ·The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd./T980310993赤坂一丁目...
17、lower pulp prices and lower sales volume,and the absence of favorable performance in overseas real estate business in the previous fiscal year,partially offset by the stable performance in domestic real estate transactions and the increased ownership percentage in DAIKEN.ICT&Financial Business Inc/...
[0056] 将长双歧杆菌菌株AH121A于2009年11月5日保存在National Collectionsof Industrial and Marine Bacteria Limited (NCIMB)FergusonBuiiding, CraibstoneEstate, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, AB219Y A, Scotland, UK,并且授予编号 NCIMB 41675。 [0057] 将长双歧杆菌菌株UCC 35624于1999年I月13日保存在National Collect...
提起日本的久保田集团,几乎全世界的农民都知道它是一个农业机械巨头,其水稻插秧机和联合收割机产品市场占有率多年来一直是世界第一。在中国也是一样,其中半喂入式联合收割机的市场占有率高达75%。 从1998年久保田苏州公司成立到2006年,半喂入式联合收割机的生产和销售达到5000台,比工厂成立之初...