【语法】:作宾语、定语;指不知变通 【英文】:stand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and clash themselves against it--trust to chance and windfalls 【日文】:守株(しゅしゅ 【法文】:attendre le lièvre sous l'arbre 【德文】:nǎrrisch auf eine einmalige,nie wiederkehr...
Má dhiúltaíonn tú d'fhianáin roghnacha, ní úsáidfear ach fianáin atá riachtanach chun na seirbhísí a sholáthar duit. Féadfaidh tú do rogha a athrú ach cliceáil ar 'Bainistigh Fianáin' ag bun an leathanaigh. Ráiteas Príobháideachais Fianáin Thríú Páirtí G...
Nspace NTTL Contractmanager Nuclino Nulia Works Nura Space NUSO Cloud Connector Office2SharePoint OfficeAmp Officely - Desk Booking OfficeMaps OfficeRnD Hybrid Work OfficeSpace Offision Okta Okta APAC OLi Bien-être OLIVE VLE OmniMentor ON Connector oneTeams Onsight Connect Onwardly Ouvrir la vi...
什么意思守株守株待兔 词语守株待兔 拼音 shǒu zhū dài tù 注音ㄕㄡˇㄓㄨㄉㄞˋㄊㄨˋ 词性形容词 基本解释 ◎ 守株待兔 shǒuzhū-dàitù [stand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and clash themselves against it—trust to chance and windfalls] 比喻死守经验,不知...
In most cases, the criminals first win the seller's trust by doing some successful trade transactions with him. Then he manages to acquire a large deal by signing a contract that stipulates payment after the arrival of the goods or by bank collection. As soon as he receives the goods, ...
N様 2019.08.02 K様 2019.07.25 K様 ミライース Next MORE Access TEL:06-6435-8321 Mail:trust.ace17@gmail.com 受付時間:09:00~20:00 住所:〒661-0966 兵庫県尼崎市西川2-8 アクセス:JR尼崎駅より徒歩10分 ※JR尼崎駅までお迎えに参ります。お気軽にお申し付けください。
It reminds us that Sumida is committed to acting with integrity and at the base of our integrity is a set of ethical principles that includes honesty, trust, fairness and respect for others. All of the decisions to be made and actions to be taken on behalf of Sumida must adhere to such...
n m e n t a l R e p o r t 2 0 0 5 社 会 性 報 告 ●コーポレート・ガバナンスをグループで展開 多面的な体制づくりを実践しています。 高砂香料グループでは社会から信頼される経営を目指 し、経営判断の適正性、経営のチェック機能、および情報 ...
这一新冠变异毒株比其他毒株传播得更快,它含有古普塔在那名癌症患者体内发现的一种突变。研究人员认为,新冠变异毒株B.1.1.7也可能起源于免疫力低下的长期患者。惠康基金会(Wellcome Trust)主任、传染病科学家法拉(Jeremy Farrar)说,这是一个完全合乎逻辑、合理的假设。