With the advancement in biotechnology, innovative drug format has evolved from natural monospecific antibody and fusion protein to multifunctional and multi-specific modality like bispecific antibody. Therefore, the industry has h...
这是一株桃树。 This is a peach tree. wǒ men yào kǎn yī zhū shù 我们要砍一株树。 We are going to cut a tree. synonym kē棵 2 n.individual plant yòu zhū 幼株 young plant 3 n.stump; base of a tree gēn zhū 根株
You need to look after it_9 to make it grow.Open yourself up.OShare your 10 aand feelings with others.OAlways respond when your friends are talking to you.The ways ofListen to your friends.keepingOThey don't want to look for agreement 11 to be heard.friendshipODon't try to change ...
The rooted fascicles usually fail to produce a bud which can grow into a new tree. 生根的针叶束往往不能产生芽而进一步长成一株树. 来自辞典例句 15. He grafted a shoot from a good apple tree in an old tree. 他把优良品种的苹果树的嫩枝接到一株老树上去. 来自辞典例句 点击展开全部例句拍照...
Grow o/n at 20~37℃. Add 2 ml culture into 100 ml 2 x YTA medium. Grow liquid cultures to an A600 of 0.6-0.8 (about 2 h)with vigorous agitation at 20~37℃. Incubate fusion protein expression by adding 50 μl of 100 mM IPTG (final concentration 0.1 mM). ...
Dealing with a headache 应对头痛 The Feng Fu (风府) point is located in a line in the middle of the back, one inch up from where the hair starts to grow. The Feng Chi points are a two-digit width away from Feng Fu....
2025,41(1) 邹涛圳等 :微藻油脂合成及高脂藻株培育研究进展 ·ঐൠ䶒〟ሿ Small footprint ·ਟ൘༽ᵲ⧟ຳ⭏䮯 Can grow in complex environments ·ݹਸ᭸⦷儈 High photosynthetic efficiency ·ཚ䱣㜭䖜ᦒ⦷儈 High solar energy conversion rate ·⋩㜲䖜ॆ⦷...
If one day you are unhappy, take off the Human’s mask and start to grow from a plant If one day, you're unhappy, Just try to be a plant first. Enjoy the sun during the day, And sleep well at night, Empty the mind, Just feel the body. ...
11. Take 1ml from this and place in new T150 flask with total volume of 22ml of IMDM MOC line media (1:12 dilution) 12. Place back into 37C incubator to grow. Should reach 80% confluence in 2-4 days. Make media 2:1 IMDM to nutrient mixture ...
1) Wide bunch with close-grow planting 稀穴密株种植方式2) Dense-planting in thin-hole technology 稀穴密株种植3) central planting 稀穴密株4) planting pattern 种植方式 1. Study on the Broadcast Cultivation Technique in Rape Ⅰ.Yield and economic benefits of different planting patterns; ...