(取材考記)コロナ危機ながらV字回復の株式市場 投機でなく、企業の成長願う投資を 吉田拓史 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で株価が大幅に下落した。1月20日に2万4千円台だった日経平均株価は2カ月後には1万6千円台まで下がった。今年の株式市場はもともと「米中貿易摩擦と中東情勢が落ち着けば、先行き...
aDividend WuGuanLun think the company dividend policy will not have any impact on a company's stock price. Is joint-stock company, in other words, how much dividends, will not affect the shareholders of the You should adopt the way of retained earnings to meet the funds needed for the ...
aDividend WuGuanLun think the company dividend policy will not have any impact on a company's stock price. Is joint-stock company, in other words, how much dividends, will not affect the shareholders of the company's attitude, and thus will not affect stock prices. Accordingly, when the ...