暖通空调外文文献 An investigation of the existing situation and trends in building energy efficiency management in China Abstract According to the Chinese State Council’s ‘‘Building Energy Efficiency Management Ordinance’’, a large-scale investigation of energy efficiency (EE) in buildings in ...
HVAC暖通空调外文文献.pdf,Measuring Sound Power in Ducted Heating, Ventilating, and Air-conditioning . (HVAC) Systems for Use in Verifying Acoustical Prediction Methods d e v r e s e Steven R. Ryherd and Lily M. Wang r s t h g i r l Architectural Engineer
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暖通空调外文文献 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:13 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:977562398 文件大小:356 KB 时间:2019-04-02
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中英文资料外文翻译文献 India HVAC&R Goes Global The total market size in 2008 for the HVAC&R industry in India was approximately $2.5 billion. That year, India produced roughly 5 million refrigerators, 2.5 million room air conditioners, packaged air conditioners of various capacities, and ...
关键词:热管空气处理盘管能源节约率回风式中央空调余热回收 1.简介 随着中国经济的迅速发展和人民生活水平的显著提高,最近几年空调的使用数目迅速增多。空调需求量的增多,使得能源消耗快速提升。文献[1]中调查显示,在中国上海建筑总能量消耗中,空调系统能量消耗在餐厅中占46.1%,商业建筑中占40.5%,办公楼占中49.7%,医院...
暖通空调外文文献期刊.pdf文档分类:建筑/环境 | 页数:约4页 举报非法文档有奖 1/4 1/4 下载此文档 文档列表 文档介绍 一gErSeaiMsaresieVSAHsCymeytvnnungggoiHahyRuiXiongZnnnramePoferAioerheEaerolimEeqimtPetDePartmtetntofArehiteeotratlEnvironmenit&EquiPmentv&DnnnnunggEirieeEngineeringnnnggiCahUirsiofeMii...