智慧树知到《大学英语》章节测试答案 才智树知到《高校英语》章节测试答案 第一章 1、We often ( ) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. A:explore B:emerge C:enrich D:assume 正确答案:assume 2、...
智慧树知到《大学英语》章节测试答案 第一章 1、We often ( ) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.A:explore B:emerge C:enrich D:assume 正确答案:assume 2、 He ( ) the gift of ...
智慧树知到《大学英语高职版(湖南环境生物职业技术学院)》章节测试答案第一章测试1、Your classmates and your roommates who are at the same age with you are right 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 √2、It is common for freshmen to feel miserable ,then who can they talk with?A、classmatesB、roommatesC...
2020智慧树知到《大学英语(山东联盟-山东青年政治学院版)》 章节测试答案 第一章 1、My familyon my father”s unemployment benefit after he lost his job. A:got by B:got up C:got down D:got 正确答案:got by 2、They develop the specialized skills, knowledge, and positive attitudes needed to pa...
智慧树知到《大学英语写作》章节测试答案第一章 1、The predicate is usually a noun or a pronoun that tells who or what the sentence is about. A:对 B:错答案: 错 2、There are four kinds of sentences determined by sentence functions. They are declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, ...
《智慧树知到》《大学英语听说(湖北科技学院)》章节测试题及答案 第一章测试 1、请问下列表示工作的单词中,哪一个具有"来自于使命召唤的工作'的含义呢? A、job B、occupation C、vocation D、career 正确答案:C 2、"Brother Sharp'具体指的是哪一位名人呢? A、Cheng Guorong B、Bill Gates C、Jack Ma D、...
智慧树知到大学英语章节测试答案智慧树知到《大学英语Ⅱ》章节测试答案 第一章 1、From the author’s point of view, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check ) and tune up the car engine (adjust ). A:vocabulary; grammar B:guide...
第第2页/共2页精品文档推荐智慧树知到大学英语章节测试答案才智树知到《高校英语Ⅱ》章节测试答案 第一章 1、Fromtheauthor’spointofview,languageshouldbelookeduponasaroadmapandavaluablepossession:oftenstudytheroadmap(check)andtuneupthecarengine(adjust). A:vocabulary;grammar B:guidebook;gear C:grammar;...
第一章章节测试 1、选择题: Which word is different? 选项: A:ship B:prim C:associate D:machine 答案:【machine】 2、选择题: Which word has this sound [ɔ:] in it? 选项: A:watch B:cause C:job D:hot 答案:【cause】 3、选择题:Which word is different? 选项: A: laugh B: love C...
第一章 单元测试 1、判断题: Your classmates and your roommates who are at the same age with you are right 选项: A:错 B:对 答案: 【对】 2、多选题: It is common for freshmen to feel miserable ,then who can they talk with?