2021, at Kobe Convention Center. JDDW is comprised of four official member societies, namely the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology, the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society, the Japan Society of Hepatology, and the Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery...
- 《Journal of Japan Surgical Society》 被引量: 0发表: 2010年 Crohn病と腸癌 潰瘍性大腸炎(UC)と同様にCrohn病(CD)患者にも大腸あるいは小腸癌が生じる.癌発生の相対危険率は,罹患期間が長くなれば高まる.最近の多数例の検討では,大腸直腸癌の相対危険率は正常人の2-3倍,小腸癌の相対危険率...
N Izawa,T Miyamoto - 《Japan Geoscience Union》 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 Study on MRI Findings in Postresuscitation Brains 蘇生後脳の病態をより明らかにするため,magnetic resonance imaging (MRI,以下MRIと略す)所見を中心に,拡散強調画像(diffusion weighted image,以下DWIと略す)の有用性も含め検討し...
日本病理剖検輯報に基づく舌癌剖検症例の統計的検討 III In order to investigate the real condition of tongue cancer in Japan, a statistical survey was made on autopsied cases of tongue cancer, listed during 5 ye... 佐藤,方信,佐島,三重子,畠山,節子,... - 《日本口腔外科学会雑誌》 被引...
- Architectural Institute of Japan 被引量: 0发表: 2010年 「世代間交流」着物と若者 KIMONOS are our Japanese traditional clothes. Today Japanese women do not wear KIMONO on their daily lives, because it limits their movement, since it has ... 赤澤,節子,南澤,奈緒美,角尾,篤子 - 《教育実践...
- 《Journal of Japan Surgical Society》 被引量: 43发表: 2002年 十二指腸第4部進行癌の1例 以上より,十二指腸第4部癌(TMN分類T4N0M0, Stage H)と診断し,手術を施行 した.明らかな肝転移や腹膜転移は認めなかつ た.腫瘍は十二指腸第4部に存在し,Treitz靱帯 部で漿膜浸潤を認め,さらに周囲小腸...
K Takamori,H Nishmura,R Asami - Summaries of Technical Papers of Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan B 被引量: 0发表: 2009年 CiNii Articles - 小腸壊死 20094 Design wind pressure coefficients on hip roofs of a low-rise building with a rectangular plan TAKAMORI Koji , NISHMURA Hiroaki ...